Elementary Summer Programming

Ages 6 to 12

June 3, 2024 - August 23, 2024



Join us for up to twelve weeks of Montessori mornings and camp-themed afternoons. The day begins at 8:15am and ends at 3:30pm.

Who can apply?

Our Elementary Summer Program is open to children ages 6-12. We welcome families that have previous Montessori experience, as well as families that are interested to learn more about what Montessori education has to offer.

What will my child do each day?

Each morning, children joyfully engage with friends during an open work period where they have access to all Montessori classroom materials. Our AMI Montessori trained guide will give small group lessons in all subject areas. Afternoons will include art projects, science experiments, water play, games, and field trips.


Important Dates

Inquiries will be accepted beginning on Monday, January 15, 2024. Spaces are limited.

We will process inquiries on a first come, first served basis.


$350 per week per child

Inquiry Form

To inquire about your child attending, please complete the form below. We will confirm requested dates for your child and share an application to gather more details about your child. Once the application is submitted, we will confirm your admission to our summer program.


Let us give the children a vision of the whole universe.
— Dr. Maria Montessori